An open-source cross-platform library to get raw events from pointing devices and master transfer functions.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCompositionCan be used to apply several transfer functions to the input
 CConstantFunctionImplements the transfer function with a constant gain factor computed taking into account device and display resolutions in order to achieve precise mapping
 CDisplayDeviceDisplayDevice class is used to represent the displays connected to the computer
 CBoundsDisplay bounds (origin and size) in pixels
 CPointA structure to maintain coordinates of a pixel
 CSizeDisplay size in mms
 CDummyDisplayDevicePseudo-device class. It stores configuration values passed on the query string and simulates the display behavior
 CDummyPointingDevicePseudo-device class. It is used for testing and debugging purposes
 CInterpolationSubclass of TransferFunction which can interpolate between given values in the table
 ClinuxPointingDeviceManagerPlatform-specific subclass of the PointingDeviceManager class
 CNaiveConstantFunctionImplements a transfer function which simply multilies the input translation by the constant gain without taking into account device characteristics
 CosxDisplayDevicePlatform specific subclass of DisplayDevice which is implemented to work with Display devices on the osx platforms
 CosxDisplayDeviceManagerHelper class to work with all display devices
 CosxPointingDeviceManagerPlatform-specific subclass of the PointingDeviceManager class
 CosxSystemPointerAccelerationUsed to set or read the cursor parameters of the current system
 CPointingDeviceUsed to represent Pointing Devices connected to the computer or pseudo-devices
 CPointingDeviceManagerHelper class which enumerates the list of existing pointing devices. This class is a singleton which calls its platform-specific subclass constructor
 CSigmoidFunctionImplements the transfer function which is an discrete approximation of the sigmoid function
 CSubPixelFunctionSubclass of TransferFunction which can be used to extend any TransferFunction to have subpixel functionality
 CSystemPointingDeviceUsed to represent Pointing Devices connected to the computer
 CTransferFunctionAbstract class that creates an object of its concrete subclasses
 CwinDisplayDeviceA Windows-specific subclass of DisplayDevice
 CwinDisplayInfoStores all the information about the monitor
 CwinSystemPointerAccelerationUsed to set or read the cursor parameters of the current system
 CxorgSystemPointerAccelerationUsed to set or read the cursor parameters of the current system